Elizabeth Boatman
Elizabeth Boatman, PhD, is a lead consultant with 5 Lakes Energy in the company’s newest business area: industrial decarbonization. She works across all topics related to sustainable industry and manufacturing in the Great Lakes Region, including hydrogen, steel, cement, and electrification technologies.
Elizabeth is a broadly trained engineer with expertise in manufacturing, life cycles, science policy, and strategic communications. After earning both a doctorate and master’s in materials science and engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, Elizabeth held back-to-back appointments as a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow in two federal funding agencies in Washington, D.C. She has served as engineering faculty at three institutions of higher education. She was a Founding Faculty member in Wake Forest University’s Department of Engineering, and she led new engineering program development activities at a liberal arts college in Minnesota. Immediately prior to joining 5 Lakes Energy, Elizabeth worked for the American Physical Society in executive and strategic communications. In support of her deep passion for enhancing the diversity of the STEM professions, Elizabeth remains a regular contributor to popular publications in STEM higher education, as well as a peer-reviewer of academic articles and grant applications.
Throughout her career, Elizabeth has cultivated a deep appreciation for the principles of engineering design, including human-centered design and social and environmental justice-oriented solutions. In her practice as a consultant with 5 Lakes Energy, Elizabeth believes that collaboration among industry, government, and communities is key for developing industrial decarbonization solutions with the best potential to catalyze meaningful change. While her practice focuses on hydrogen, steel, cement, and electrification technologies, she is also skilled at building state-wide and industry-wide industrial decarbonization roadmaps, facility transition plans, and hydrogen and energy demand forecasting models. Her work routinely engages stakeholders across the Great Lakes Region. As 5 Lakes Energy’s work in industrial decarbonization continues to grow, Elizabeth will continue to leverage her expertise, to shape the trajectory of that growth.
Elizabeth has been a resident of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area for the better part of a decade. She enjoys outdoor activities ranging from road cycling to backpacking to rock climbing.
Get in touch
5 Lakes Energy is looking for partners and clients who want to make a difference on climate and energy issues in their states or communities. Please drop us a line and let’s get to work.