What is Renewable Energy Credit (REC) Aggregation?

REC Aggregation 101

Under Michigan law, electric providers are required to achieve a retail supply portfolio that includes at least 10%  renewable energy by 2015. Electric providers comply with this law through the purchase and/or production of Renewable Energy Credits (RECs). One REC is created for every MWh of electricity generated by a renewable energy system.

This means there is a market for the RECs produced by even small renewable energy generating facilities in Michigan. However, many small renewable system owners, especially those not participating in a major utility program, have been unable to access the REC market — until now.

5 Lakes Energy, LLC uses its expertise to bundle and manage RECs from small renewable system owners, providing these owners with access to the REC market and the opportunity to generate revenue through the sale of their RECs.

Watch this webinar – REC Aggregation 101 – to learn more and then contact us at RECmanager@5lakesenergytest.flywheelsites.com.