
REC Aggregation

5 Lakes Energy is working with the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA) to explore possibilities for aggregating small scale renewable RECs.  If you are an installer in Michigan or someone interested in combining your RECs into another sale in order to capture economies of scale, feel free to reach out to 5LE’s Lauren Knapp …

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Free Press Guest commentary: Renewable energy works — and works well — in Michigan

by Skip Pruss We got a glimpse this month of Gov. Rick Snyder’s view of renewable energy in Michigan. Signaling likely opposition to the new proposed ballot initiative that would require 25% of Michigan’s electricity to be derived from renewable sources by 2025, the governor said during a visit to Port Huron that “Michigan is not …

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“Innovation Through Collaboration”: June 11 @ the Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center

WHAT Join Michigan’s advanced energy innovators, entrepreneurs, manufacturers and more for the second quarterly meeting of the Energy Innovation Business Council. This day-long event will focus on ways that Michigan companies, national labs and universities can collaborate and use those collaborations to drive innovation, secure funding and grow opportunities. The agenda for the day includes: …

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Amending Michigan’s Constitution – Facts and Myths

Myth: “Amendment of the Michigan Constitution is an extraordinary action, rarely if ever, done.” Fact:  The Michigan Constitution has been mended many, many times.  Before the 1908 Michigan Constitution was rewritten entirely in 1963, it was amended 69 times.  Since our “new” Constitution was adopted in 1963, Michigan citizens have amended it 31 times.   …

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The Continuing Saga of Ending our Dependence on Imported Fuels

Michigan currently imports its energy from other states and countries, sending billions of dollars — and the jobs they create — out of Michigan. Our electricity comes from mainly coal (60%) that we import from other states.  The transportation alone of this coal from other parts of the country is a factor in our electricity …

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Beyond the Light Bulb: Energy Efficiency Products and Services Made in Michigan

Join Michigan’s energy efficiency innovators, entrepreneurs, manufacturers and more in a lunchtime dialogue about how energy efficiency manufacturing is driving economic growth and creating jobs right here in Michigan. Learn more about Michigan companies manufacturing in the different segments of the energy efficiency market including sealants and caulking, building structures and control systems. Highlights include: …

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WHAT A panel forum announcing the formation of the Energy Innovation Business Council, a new trade group focused on growing Michigan’s advanced energy industry. Leaders will also announce the findings of a landmark economic impact study on Michigan’s advanced energy manufacturing sector. WHEN & WHERE Wednesday, February 8 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Michigan State …


Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council

An opportunity for Michigan innovation, Michigan businesses The Energy Innovation Business Council is a coalition of major businesses in Michigan’s exciting clean, renewable energy sector. Michigan is emerging as a global leader in the advanced energy sector. The EIBC aims to diversify and accelerate the growth of Michigan’s energy sector and create partnerships to expand …

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Launch of Advanced Energy Economy!

We’re excited about the launch of the national business organization Advanced Energy Economy!  Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) is a growing network of regional business councils and partner organizations promoting a better business climate for the advanced energy sector and helping American companies and workers succeed as the world transition’s to Advanced Energy. A little from …

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