So… my Volt is waiting for me at the dealer, I’m so excited. It came in on the truck to Howell from Hamtramck last night. It is red.
I can’t pick it up today, just not quite ready. All the money stuff is set, I did the insurance change, need to deal with title, etc. I have to go to Lansing tomorrow to show my Vibe to a friend who might want it for their high schooler, so I can’t drive the Volt tomorrow anyway. I’m hoping to pick it up Friday morning and drive it to Ann Arbor for a Dept of Energy Wind meeting.
I’m toying with a vanity plate. I ran a bunch of ideas through the “check availability” website and my favorite ideas were gone. But the ones that remain include: 1) my volt, 2) wattacr, 3) rdisgrn. I like number three because my red car is green, but it is hard to see. I guess WATTACR is winning for me right now. I like puns. Someone suggested V = I R which I LOVE but you can’t use symbols.
More soon!