
Michigan Saves

Michigan Saves is an innovative program that will make energy efficiency upgrades and installing renewable energy systems more affordable for all types of Michigan energy consumers, including businesses, local governments, schools, and residents.  Michigan Saves was funded with a LIEEF grant from the Michigan Public Service Commission. The Michigan Saves Home Energy Loan Program is …

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Translating Public Support for Clean Energy into Action

A new Gallop poll has found that Americans regard having an energy bill providing incentives for solar and other clean energy options ahead of all other identified policy issues including, overhauling the federal tax code, speeding up withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, or expanding drilling for domestic oil and gas.    According to Gallop, 83 …

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Michigan Dems, GOP deserve credit for working together under tough circumstances

by Stanley “Skip” Pruss Published in the Detroit Free Press, Sunday, December 19, 2010 Gov. Jennifer Granholm and the Michigan Legislature have faced considerable criticism from a public unhappy with government and its leaders. And last month’s election clearly expressed dissatisfaction with current office holders, particularly Democrats. But there is a case to be made …

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Excitement about Energy Efficiency Developments Warm a Cold December Night

A crowded, warm banquet room in DeWitt served as the place for pizza and the regular meeting of the Michigan Chapter of Efficiency First last night.  It was a great line-up of speakers and very helpful information about the growing impact of Michigan’s energy efficiency programs.  To learn more about Efficiency First and the Michigan …

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A New Sputnik Moment

Originally posted on Facebook by Steven Chu on Monday, November 29, 2010 “In case you missed it, here’s the video of my presentation at the National Press Club today and the slides that go along with it. I believe that recent major clean technology advances by China and other countries represent a true “Sputnik Moment” …

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5 Lakes Energy Participates in DoE ERAC Committee

As a selected committee member, 5 Lakes Energy partner Stanley “Skip” Pruss participated in the inaugural Efficiency and Renewables Advisory Committee (ERAC) at U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters. This introductory meeting covered a broad summary of EERE priorities, strategies, and long-range plans. The focus of the meeting will be on two existing EERE initiatives: (1) the …

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5 Lakes Energy Testifies on Offshore Wind Regulatory Framework Bill

Five Lakes Energy partner Liesl Eichler Clark — a wind energy consultant who had been a key official in the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth — said that if legislation needs to be reintroduced in January, it will take a lot of “education” of the new legislators and administration staff. But she said …

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Clean Energy and Climate Change: New Strategies for New Times

In the aftermath of elections sweeping in Republican majorities in the House and state legislatures, hope for movement on clean energy or climate legislation has to be placed on the shelf, probably for a good while.  Not surprisingly, clean energy advocates have pivoted quickly and are identifying alternative pathways to progress. Anticipating the new political …

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